Sunday, 13 March 2016

Ideas for Philosophy (In Memoriam to Hilary Putnam, wonderful philosopher and major senior figure

We have to look at the future


Hilary Putnam (1926-2016)

Image result for putnam twin earth quote
Hilary PutnamCogan University Professor Emeritus at Harvardvol. 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975. 2nd. ed., 1985.
Mind, Language and Reality. Philosophical Papers, vol. 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975.
Meaning and the Moral Sciences. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978.
Reason, Truth, and History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981.

Philosopher Crispin Sartwell, Dickinson Colle

Image result for hilary putnam

ge, and Academic 

Image result for hilary putnam


I had withdrawn my original post about this from several days ago, because many details were unclear, and there was a risk then, I was led to believe, that publicitImage result for metaphysicsy would adversely affect the 
Image result for metaphysics
interest (wf20. John Searle  loses to G.E.M. Anscog Holism (1986), 278-302 22. Nelson Goodman’s Fact, Fiction, and Forecast (1983), 303-308

Twin Earth thought experiment

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rorty e Wittgenstein.” Trans. Alessandro Pagnini. Iride n.s. 4/5 (January-December 1990): 313-317.
Does the Disquotational Theory Really Solve All Philosophical Problems?” Metaphilosophy 22.1-2 (January-April 1991): 1-13. Repr. as “Does the Disquotational Theory of Truth Solve All Philosophical Problems?” in Words and Life (1994), 264-278.That psychological state does not determine extension will now be shown with the aid of a little science-fiction. For the purpose of the following science-fiction examples, we shall suppose that somewhere in the galaxy there is a planet we shall call Twin Earth
The French Revolution and the Holocaust: Can Ethics be Ahistorical?” Culture and Modernity: East-West Philosophical Perspectives, ed. Eliot Deutsch (Honmbe by 191–23, loses to Carl Ginet by 64–520. John Searle  loses to G.E.M. Anscombe by 191–23, loses to Carl Ginet by 64–5
  • Nate Charlow
    Smart and funny young philosophy student
  • New books and articles

    From the most recently added
    Mar 13th 2016 GMT
    New books
    1. Simon Caney (ed.) (forthcoming). Political Institutions for the Future: A Five-Fold Package. Oxford University Press.
      Governments are often so focused on short-term gains that they ignore the long term, thus creating extra unnecessary burdens on their citizens, and violating their responsibilities to future generations. What can be done about 
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      SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2015


      In the August 30 post I attributed to Noam Chomsky views he disavowed in an e-mail to me (the  text of the message is my September 9 post).pr. in Mind, Language and Reality (1975), 441-451.
      Normal Models and the Field Sigma-star.” With Gustav Hensel. Fundamenta Mathematicae 64 (1969): 231-240.
      A Recursion-Theoretic ChaLanguage is the first broad area of human cognitive capacity for which we are beginning to obtain a description which is not exaggeratedly oversimplifiedracterization of the Ramified Analytical Hierarchy.” With Gustav Hensel and Richard Boyd. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 141 (July 1969): 37-62.
      A Note on the Hyperarithmetical Hierarchy.” With H. B. Enderton. Journal of Symbolic Logic 35.3 (September 1970): 429-430. 
      Is Semantics Possible?” Metaphilosophy 1 (July 1970): 187-201. Revised version in Language, Belief and Metaphysics. Contemporary Philosophic Thought: The International Philosophy Year Conferences at Brockport, vol. 1, ed. Howard E. Kiefer and Milton K. Munitz (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1970), 50-63. Repr. in Mind, Language and Reality (1975), 139-152.
      “Liberalism, Radicalism and C

      Hilary Putnam

      to me
      Dear Tristan,
           I am too pressed for time (too pressed at my present age, anyway), but I appreciate your message very much.
      Hilary Image result for money capeImage result for explosions
      Image result for hilary putnam

    2.  I have never been able to forget. He said, "Surely half the pleasure of life is sardonic comment on the passing show". This blog is devoted to comments, not all of them sardonic, on the passing philosophical show. Hilary Putnam
    3. this? In this paper I propose a package of reforms to the ways in which policies are made by legislatures, and in which those policies are scrutinised, implemented and evaluated. The overarching aim is to enhance the accountability of the decision-making process in ways that take into (...)


  1. Thanks for this.

  2. Thanks, this was a wonderful post. I love Putnam's philosophy even though I'm cuyrrently at a small school teaching a 5-4 teaching load. I do ethics, criticval thinking, intro to phil., intro to logic, and a few other courses. When lfying out for my current position and getting ready for tenure I used to read Putnam's work and hold it by my side. A quick peep into 'The Meaning of "Meaning"', a glance at the model-theoretical argument, or even a quick trip to Twin Earth in my mental philosophical rocketship would always buck me up and set me on the path to more scholarship. We've lost a real pearl here!

  3. Coming home from a multidisciplinary workshop on color and embodied cognition and can't stop thinking about Putnam's seminal brain in the vat hypothesis, and his contributions to functionalism. Will definitely be telling my students about this fantastic philosopher.

  4. :-(

    Philosophy has really come to fruition in recent years. The work of action theorists such as Julian Groves and Ed Tulloch, with their emphasis on how we move and engage with the world, has completely changed my mind about how I manage to act. The ethical work of Harriet Bas is a constant companion as well.

  5. Bye Hilary.

    I will read Dewey in your honor. I will tell the students about properties and pegs and holes in your honor. I will remember what a force you were and how you drew us together through your ideas. I wish I had decided to go to Harvard, but it was so far away and at the time I didn't pay much attention to prestige. I wish I had gotten to know you other than a couple conversations.

  6. working a 9 to 5 teaching load ad harvard. nate charlow is a smart and funny young philosophy student! i got a templeton foundation grant to study embodied cognition, but declined it because it was problematic in the profession!

  7. OK, great. Great philosopher. Have a medal. Now let's have a little Q&A. Question: when are we going to get over his stupid hero worship and accept that no philosopher is better than all of us? When are we going to have more equity? Why haven't these things caused us more embarrassment in the media? Answer: We don't know.

  8. I have six ideas on how we can improve the profession now that we can no longer rely on the rigour combined with deep humanistic feeling embodied by the late great Hilary Putnam (I thought he was a woman when I first heard his name!).

    (1) Triple-blind review.
    (2) Public outreach
    (3) Mentors for all young graduate students.
    (4) Open-access publishing.
    (5) Greater attention paid to different traditions.
    (6) Diversity.

  9. (7) A presumption of respect without waiting to find out how people more important than you judge the person in your gaze.
    (8) Awareness of the damaging effects of gossip.
