Wednesday, 28 February 2018

certain UNBELIEVABLE SIMILARITIES between this and "OTHER" websites

I have recently come upon various evidence, on PhilPapers, Leiter Reports, NewAPPS, Wolfgang Shwarz, and other sources, of certain UNBELIEVABLE similarities between my ideas as expressed on this blog site, and certain other sites.

At the PHILOSOPHERS COCOON for example, they provide "advice" designed to help young academics "find their way". Oh, how funny, I feel like I was just talking about this in reference to my dog Jocone the other day. We here at the Pilos help senior, established figures and young small people alike to create discussions and actually explore new topics. I don't recall seeing a DOG JOCONE at some of these websites like the "Cocoon" but it is only a matter of time in my opinion.

AT DIGRESSIONS AND IMPRESSIONS we have the constant thoughts of one man - and let's make no mistake, it is a man - and I have noticed as I look at my life and my thoughts 'Hey, I am also a person - a man, and I'm not going to apologise for that - and I have certain thoughts about philosophy and the academy at large. By all means I am happy to let these feed in to other works, but a little reciprocity and professional recognition would be well compensated.

At the PHILOSOPHY METAFORUM we have bad people saying bad things constantly, and the good among us can barely bear to look. It is so bad there that I have trouble explaining just how it makes me feel. My keyboard is literally looking at me, shaking its tail like Jocone on some deranged walk. Meta indeed - more like full metal jackety. Me hate it long time.

Finally we have the good people over AT DAILY NOUS. Every day I try to provide a service here and in the comments, and only when these epistemic tresspassers come to discuss the issues on MY sight will we have true equity in this throbbing, vital field we all live in. I for one think that is a small price to pay for such a big success, and I'm lovin' it every single step of the way. You won't see a hare out of place once Jocone tears up to shreds any bad arguments and claims he finds along his Path.

Thanks to various theorists for the apparatus of EPISTEMICALLY DIFFERENT WORLDS (EDWs) can be used in the analysis of these similarities: if you cannot distinguish one sight from the other, you might as well just put some treats out for Jocone and log in here. It is literally the same portal.

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1 comment:

  1. Are they bad? Or do they just need more sleep, and possibly healthy snacks?

    The good ones (I think) are possibly better rested, and well-fed.
